Internet Policy Research Website

From governance denial to state regulation. A controversy-based typology of internet governance models| Mauro Santaniello

The chapter presents a typology of four internet governance models: digital neoliberalism, digital sovereigntism, digital multistakeholderism and digital constitutionalism. The typology is built on an extensive review of academic research, policy documents and political statements, and it is based on two long-lasting dimensions of conflict concerning the venues of internet policy: their level of inclusiveness and the enforceability of their outcomes. A set of political attributes of each model is discussed, along with the historical reconstruction of the processes through which the different models have come to be institutionalised at the global level.

Book: Power and Authority in Internet Governance
Edition: 1st Edition
First Published: 2021
Imprint: Routledge
Pages: 22
eBook: ISBN9781003008309

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